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5 Thought Starters to Help You Create Content

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5 Thought Starters to Help You Create Content

Here are five quick thought-starters that may help you to create new content. With the vast amount of content produced every hour, focusing on content that can break through the noise and resonate with your core audience is undoubtedly worth taking some time to work on. 

Pay attention to trends and data 

Producing data and trends, information can be compelling reading, if this is not something you can do, commenting on and adding further thoughts or opinions to trends and research can help you to share knowledge and domain authority in your chosen areas.

Be real, genuine and if appropriate personal

Focus on genuine content. People can see through falseness even when it is online. Be genuine and interested in what you are producing/sharing. It can be tough to be personal and to reveal some downsides or areas that are not that impressive. You may be surprised how often sharing, openness and allowing people to see a little vulnerability can help your content and how it is often received well by people.

Recycle and re-purpose

We are all focusing on re-use in our personal lives, applying this principle to your content production can often save time, money and add to the usefulness and longevity of your content. In this fast-moving content cycle, we can all fall into the trap of producing content and using it once. Simply reviewing passed content with a new focus to see how it can be adapted, lengthened, shortened, re-purposed, can be rewarding and helpful. 

Adding value and sharing lessons

It can be much more powerful to focus on adding value to people (your audience). If you have something to sell, it is better to build up value in advance. Do not merely talk about what you want to sell or promote, dig a little deeper and focus on what lessons you learned along the way. Add value and share helpful knowledge. 

Get some help

You do not have to go it alone! Working on an article with others can be rewarding. Identifying a guest writer, blogger, or content producer can add a new dimension to your story and content production process. Who could you engage with that could add a new element to your content? 

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