Trish Bishop, Energy Integration Coach, Rock Stars Unlimited (Choose2Live)
After launching and taking public, one of the first Internet Service Providers in Canada, Trish quickly found her niche as a 'translator' with an exceptional ability to translate business needs into solutions.
She also discovered early in her career that she is highly intuitive and then honed that gift into her corporate superpower! She blatantly integrates both the corporate and woo-woo aspects of who she is and attributes this to the amazing success she has had in her career, including developing six high-performance teams.
Trish discovered the Top 10 Rock Star Skills after studying what she calls 'the Rock Stars' for two years. Now, as an Energy Integration Coach, Trish teaches individuals and leaders these skills so they can create massive transformation for themselves, their teams and their organizations by learning how to read and interpret energetic information.
In addition to being a highly successful IT Project Manager, Trish is also the author of 'The Question Journey', a Shaman, Empath and Certified Angel Guide. Her mission: to heal corporate workplaces one leader at a time.
What is your favourite social media platform, and why?
Clubhouse - I feel that people allow themselves to speak their truths there. It enables and empowers honest dialogue and respects differing viewpoints.
Tell us about you and your current role or area of interest.
I love helping people understand and interpret the energetic information around them so they can more successfully navigate business and life. Unfortunately, the Rock Star Skills appear to be fairly straightforward on the surface.
However, they are deeply nuanced in that it is not about the skill itself per se but about the ability to understand the energy of how you and others show up and how that affects you, others and the situation at hand.
What do you like about your career or area of focus?
I love watching people discover and own their '10' - the full magnificence of who they are and what they're capable of.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
"True power comes from empowering others." - Denis Waitley shared with me when I was 26 and had been promoted to Director, Solution Design with a global team.
What inspires you, motivates you, or helps you to move forward?
Watching people discover their '10' - particularly when I have the opportunity to play some role in facilitating it. There is nothing more powerful or beautiful than seeing people truly step into their power and own it.
What are you proud of in your life so far?
I've had an amazing career, particularly being part of the first ISP in Canada - what an incredible ride that was! I'm most proud, however, of developing six high-performance teams. That then becomes six teams of people who then go off and share that experience with others, either as leaders or as amazing team players - creating an awesome ripple effect.
What is your preferred way to meet new people/network?
I love having quick 30-minute one-on-one chats. It gives both parties a sense of if there is something that resonates, to see if there are any synergies, etc. It's very efficient. Entrepreneurs can spend far too much time chasing opportunities that will never pan out - learning to discern where to focus their energy is a powerful tool in their toolkit - this is one of the Rock Star Skills (the Ability to See).
What skills or qualities do you feel have helped you?
The Top 10 Rock Star Skills - 100%. I'm inherently a Rock Star performer. However, I love that these skills can be learned by others. These skills are:
Respectful Communication.
Honesty and Integrity.
Problem Solving.
Outstanding Customer Service.
Ability to Learn.
Basic Financial Management.
Jaguar Mentality.
Relentless Determination.
Trusted Intuition.
Ability to See.
What do you wish you had known when you started out?
That I was a Rock Star - for many Rock Stars, they don't understand why they aren't like everyone else, and they often don't fit into 'typical' corporate cultures but don't know why. It can leave them feeling very alone and ostracized. I wish I had known what I was and owned it rather than trying to fit a mould that was never going to fit.
Who do you most admire in business, academic or creative circles and why?
Authenticity - people whose thoughts, feelings, words and actions are aligned. Often these people can be abrasive. However, I'd rather have this level of authenticity and honesty than those who wear a mask of professionalism. Be who you are without apology.
Outside of your professional/work area, what hobbies or interests do you have or what other areas of your life are of real importance to you?
I read three to four books every week - most are for relaxation or pleasure. However, I also love to learn, so I'll toss a book in every once in a while that helps me to shift my perspective. I also love yoga, bike riding and golf - though I'm not an expert in any of them, I just love how I feel when I'm doing it!
Has the pandemic had a positive or a negative effect on you and/or your business, and how have you managed it?
I think it has had both a positive and negative effect.
On the positive side, it was fascinating seeing how creative and community-minded many people were. It was awesome seeing people step into leadership positions within their communities, especially when they may not otherwise have done so. There was so much innovation.
On the negative side, over time, the vax/non-vax situation has been quite divisive and has had devastating effects on individuals, families and communities that are, frankly, hard to comprehend. The judgment and segregation are indicative of behaviour we saw well over a hundred years ago.
It is quite difficult to find people who are ready and willing to stand in the middle and meet each other halfway. I've managed this by trying to be the voice in the middle. Asking questions that will trigger critical thinking and allow people to, hopefully, find their way to the middle. We need to be kind to each other, and that is not possible when we live in us versus them world.
Do you have a mentor, or have you ever mentored anyone?
I have worked for some amazing leaders who have mentored me. I have also mentored others and love that role! It's an amazing relationship, and I have deep respect for anyone who offers their time, experience and knowledge in that way. I think everyone should seek out a mentor, particularly when they are clear about what they want to achieve or are in the space of personal or professional growth.
What advice would you have for someone looking to get into the same area of work or interests?
Do your inner work. Great leaders know themselves and do not need to project their personal 'crap' onto others. Put your ego on the back burner - Rock Stars (whether leaders or individuals) are insatiable learners and do not need to know everything or pretend they do. They are the first ones to put up their hand and ask questions so they can learn. They also allow others to shine.
What do you feel is the most common reason for people failing or giving up?
I think more often than not; it's a fear of success. Far too often, I see people just stop when they're two feet from the finish line. It's astonishing - I can see it as clear as day. However, they have a million reasons why they shouldn't just go the final two feet, and they sabotage their own success.
Is there a phrase, quote or a saying that you really like?
A bit repetitive, as I've already mentioned. However, it works, repeating, "True power comes from empowering others." - Denis Waitley. I live by this, and while it seems simple, it has many layers - even 22 years after it was first shared with me, I'm still discovering nuances.
What companies, brands, or institutions do you like or do you think are getting it right?
Apple, GoDaddy and SalesForce - are all for different reasons. However, I primarily like them because they are clear on their strategy. Apple is a Product Leader. GoDaddy and SalesForce do an amazing job at being customer intimate. They stay true to their strategy rather than trying to be all things to all people. This approach has consistently proven to be successful over time.
How do you define success, and what lessons have you learned so far that you could share with our audience/readership?
I define success as knowing your gifts and finding ways to share them with the world, making you feel fulfilled and passionate about what you do.
Lessons I have learned include:
Don't compare yourself to others.
Be who you are without apology.
Whatever you choose to do, you MUST deliver.
For your own self-confidence and to best serve your job, customer, etc.
Be consistent in how you show up so others trust you and how you'll respond.
Inconsistency breeds mistrust.
Learn to read and interpret energetic information; this will literally become your superpower no matter what you choose to do!