Lisa Regan, Managing Director, Lisa Regan Public Relations — The Global Discussion

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Interviews Season 31

Lisa Regan, Managing Director, Lisa Regan Public Relations

Lisa Regan is the managing director of niche communications firm called Lisa Regan Public Relations LTD. This company was established in 2011 and had a strong focus on traditional public relations strategies, but combines this with an innovative social media voice and vision. 

In 2020 she was awarded the Most Influential Woman in Public Relations: for her contribution to society 2020 by Europe Business News.

What is your favourite social media platform, and why?

Instagram as it's visual and is such a user-friendly app. For me is like living in a filing cabinet; you decide what you want to see and engage with, so be it fashion, wellness, lifestyle, interiors or travel, it's all there in beautiful little boxes.

“Day by day, work on yourself that leads to the reward of excellence; that is where the learning is; it's what you do every day that is important.”

Lisa Regan

Lisa Regan, LinkedIn, Twitter and Website

Tell us about you and your current role or area of interest.

Connection, language and communication have always been me; throughout my schooling, a love for studying English and reading lead me to enjoy conversations and find out what makes people tick. I realised early this would be my career path, starting in print journalism, then moving into public relations and then adding radio presenting to my CV.

Language is so powerful; how and what we say can change the world. Storytelling is an art form, and one that is transfixing; we all just want to know more about other people, be it in our personal or professional lives. Effective and genuine conversations are what makes life great. Connection to a sense of self, place and community is what I try to bring to every relationship and business that I work with.

Travel, wellbeing and fostering best practices when it comes to green business and living are what make me tick. A healthy body, mind, and outlook mean that I bring energy and a true drive into all projects that I am passionate about. There is always a right way to do things, it might take longer and need more attention, but fundamentally I know it can be done. My motto is to do things right or not at all.

What do you like about your career or area of focus?

I love the variety in my week. I need this. I like change, and although I do have a routine, my working life is ever-changing as I work with so many different people and on projects throughout each year. I know I need this in order to be as creative as I can be and also keep me interested in these projects. Travel, wellness, food and people, as well as sustainable business practices, are my core focus both professionally and personally.

I live by what I do. I am 36 years old, and I am in a position where I can try to help the climate crisis by ensuring the people I work with are aware and are doing what they need to do to help our planet. Working on Government-led initiatives to inspire and communicate to the wider public how we can help our microenvironment, which will, in turn, lead to the global climate improving, is one of my passion projects for life.

We have to be accountable to ourselves and where we live, do more and truly participate in our life. So, it is again back to connection.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

It was all based around living in the now. This next line just resonated with me so much, and I say it now almost every day. "I'm in no Rush" there is always time. Slow down to your own pace that you know leaves you feeling balanced. Society and subliminal conversations have led to people feeling completely overrun and overwhelmed because everything needs to be instant.

We need to stop this culture of immediate response when it comes to projecting demands on people, even down to our own communication. It is an unconscious thing, but once you unlearn being rushed, life drops down a gear and goes at a nicer pace.

It is important to me, but the person I am communicating with also has their own list of to-dos. We need to respect each other time more and appreciate we all work in different ways, and our own way is not always right. Widen your perspective and have patience.

What inspires you, motivates you, or helps you to move forward?

People inspire me. Looking at how engineers and scientists work and discover ways of making our world better for the ecosystems in which we live and for ease of human life is one of the elements of my life that I am in awe of.

What has gone before me in order for me to live in the world in which I do now, whereby I can travel and see the world, meet people from all walks of life and also reflect back on how the world has gotten here through books, music, film and art. That is inspiring.

Having a sense of purpose in my life motivates me to create and participate in the world I love. Knowing that I can have an impact makes me want to work hard and be involved in my community and where I live.

There are people in my life who I admire so much and then, of course, some global figures from around the world that help unite and motivate us daily.

What are you proud of in your life so far?

My drive, energy and dedication to carving out my own life. I live inside my own head, and it's the only place I know. I have always been determined to be the best that I can be. I am very logical in my thinking, so I will always see every side of the conversation and argument; it comes from growing up in a house where my opinion was never asked and what I liked or didn't like wasn't factored in.

So, in order to make sense of the world, my brain kicked into a logical mode of thinking; this has stood to me throughout my life so far as with time and a lot of soul searching, I can make sense or make peace with situations and outcomes.

What is your preferred way to meet new people/network?

Naturally, all my business relationships come from me being comfortable in an environment that I love; I have met clients out swimming, walking, or mainly by word of mouth. Unfortunately, I am not good at the very small peripheral chat, so I don't do well at networking events.

What skills or qualities do you feel have helped you?

Knowing my own mind and trusting my gut. I know when I have passion and energy for people and projects, if it's not there, I would pass as I like to really get into work and drive on the message of what we are trying to do.

I really like people and getting into why they do what they do; this can help me understand and forge out the story of a brand or business.

What do you wish you had known when you started out?

To fully know your worth. Especially in terms of pricing and budgets. When you are a service, you need to fully understand scooping out a project around time. Once you know, you're worth and value, that's it. Your price is not a negotiation, and it's a fact.

Who do you most admire in business, academic or creative circles and why?

Zadie Smith is one of my favourite writers. Esther Perel is one of the best minds of understanding people and relationships of this generation. However, the Stoics are my leading light in everything I do; it all comes down to that. For me, the philosophy of personal ethics is informed by its system of logic and views of the natural world.

I am forever in awe of professional sportspeople like Jessica Ennis and Rafael Nadal, their dedication, resilience and ability to constantly show up for themselves every single day, as well as this awe-inspiring talent.

Day by day, work on yourself that leads to the reward of excellence; that is where the learning is; it's what you do every day that is important.

Outside of your professional/work area, what hobbies or interests do you have or what other areas of your life are of real importance to you?

I am passionate about my health. I love the outdoors, and I am in it for hours each day. So, I always prioritise fresh air, training and activity. I cycle, walk, run, swim, and I do weight training, and I love them all.

Travel and freedom, as well as change of perspective, is pure and utter joy for me. I love being and discovering new places, cultures, foods, drinks, flavours and people.

Live music makes me feel so alive; I am the worst singer, but I love music so much. It can change your entire mood, and it just gets you right in the pit of your stomach; again, it's the lyrics and words along with the sound. It is Magic.

I am passionate about the environment and how we need to take accountability for it. But, unfortunately, I am like a broken record to people about how each of us needs to be living in a less disposable way.

Has the pandemic had a positive or a negative effect on you and/or your business, and how have you managed it?

Personally, it showcased what a brilliant community I live in. 2020 was a very slow year in all the right ways. I was surrounded by people who always cared for each other, and in a pandemic, this was highlighted even more. I never felt more connected to the people and the place who filled 2020 with me. I had a very cathartic 2020; I was out in my community on litter picks, ensuring my neighbourhood got all the resources from local government, and I found it a very still year. 2021 has not felt like that, and it has felt flat, numb and in limbo. I am hopeful, as always, that 2022 onwards will bring some form of stillness, joy, excitement and peaceful times.

But the pandemic was a blow, of course, to my business and the bottom line. I am 13 years in business this year and had a very big projected 2020 and 2021, and none of that happened. But then, a lot of really alternative things happened for me and my business as I adapted. Upon reflection, yes, my turnover was down, and so much that was planned just could not happen, but then I got to work in different sectors and on things that would never have happened too, so it was a real mixed bag of two years! 

Do you have a mentor, or have you ever mentored anyone?

There are so many people that I have surrounded myself with within my life, that is, my personal and professional mentors. The people that will give you a steer. The ones you call and the ones who have honest opinions will help to guide your decision at times. It was my friend Gill Carroll who reminded me of this. The people in your life can really shape it; being an optimist and having a realistic outlook along with a good element of taking a risk are the people in which I love to be around. This is the mentoring I need in life.

What advice would you have for someone looking to get into the same area of work or interests?

To look at every opportunity like that. Never put anyone on a pedestal and forge your own path. Know your value, your price and your mind. And always bring yourself to the table, your voice is important, and your creative view is unique.

What do you feel is the most common reason for people failing or giving up?

Everyone wanted success yesterday, but that is not life. We are sold an idea from a young age, life is wonderful, and when it's not, we panic. But, unfortunately, life is not always wonderful, and it takes constant work on yourself trying to find peace and freedom.

In your home, body, mind and working life, stop searching for Utopia and start living; the ups, downs, good, ok and bad times are life. That's the best part; things change, and so do you.

Is there a phrase, quote or a saying that you really like?

I'm in no rush.

What companies, brands, or institutions do you like or do you think are getting it right?

I think there is a lot of greenwashing when it comes to big business. I think every single multinational needs to be taking action now on plastics, supporting community infrastructures, providing a living wage, and long-term projections or statements like 2045 we will be plastic-free is just not acceptable. I like small businesses that keep traditions and places alive.

How do you define success, and what lessons have you learned so far that you could share with our audience/readership?

Success for me is peace of mind, where you feel just on balance. It is the simple things in life that define success for me. Being able to run my day on my way and always having a few laughs, a few goods laughs every day. Humour for me is what makes me happy. That is what success looks like for me, a smile, a laugh and doing your own thing.

The Global Interview