Fanni Compton, Actor, Writer, Voiceover Talent and Recording Artist
I am an award-winning British actress, writer, voiceover talent and recording Artist. I trained at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts in London after winning a Scholarship to attend. This saw me graduating with a Diploma in Classical Acting and a Masters Degree in Performance. I recently received an Award for 'Best Actor & 'Best Web series 2021' on the Film Festival circuit with 'Lockdown Lifeline', which was written and filmed during the 2020 pandemic and starred Actors from 'The Office (UK), Doctors (BBC), Brookside, Waterloo Road & Hollyoaks.
I also currently have my own TV sitcom entitled 'NOWHERE CLOSE' in post-production, as well as having just released three new singles, 'Hey You, 'Not That Kinda Girl & 'Outside In', the latter of which is the soundtrack to an award-winning film released in 2021 called 'The Making Of Alex'.
What is your favourite social media platform, and why?
Currently, Clubhouse! This app might be the ultimate gift born during the global pandemic of 2020. It's a pretty phenomenal platform that goes out of its way to prove that 'six degrees of separation is no longer a thing'. I can be sharing the space or conversing with doctors, scientists, A-list actors, mentors at all and all in real-time. Via audio! It's like a never-ending conference covering eclectic topics. You just enter a room and start listening.
Or if you're like me, you spontaneously host your own room, and people magically show up (and they really do). The conversations can last for hours. I have a group called Clubhouse Actors, where we host rooms on Mental Health, Improvisation, Castings, Acting Masterclasses and more. And so, if you're in the entertainment/creative industry, then come join us and follow the group on Clubhouse. The industry can be a pretty lonely place, but with this new platform, it no longer needs to be.
Tell us about you and your current role or area of interest.
As an Actor, Writer, Recording Artist and Behavioural psychology nerd, my areas of interest will always lie in human behaviour, understanding and modifying individuals' thoughts, feelings and emotions. I'm trying to find ways to emulate, re-create, emote and move people. I think as an artist; you are always trying to tap into those relatable, human, often dark parts of self, whether that's through music and songwriting or even in a painting. I've always been fascinated with people. Their physicality and presence (which will tell you so very much from the start), how they speak, how they use language, what excites them, how they dress, live, eat, create, sleep, have sex. So it's little wonder that seven years ago, I started the journey of studying to be a counsellor/therapist myself.
Although I'm now a qualified Therapist, I don't practice, but the knowledge and understanding I have gained has been invaluable to not only my craft and my career but also gives immense value to my life and relationships. I think, especially as an Actor whereby you are living and breathing as another human character, it's imperative to be obsessed with the human condition with all its intricacies, nuances and complexities, but this all has to start from a place of knowing self. Know thyself... and then get to work on other people.
What do you like about your career or area of focus?
I don't 'like' my career. I LOVE it. It's my vocation. It’s my ‘raison d’etre’! And for that, I feel incredibly lucky. Not everyone gets to find or even DO what it is they adore, and I have so much gratitude for being able to be a part of this industry. As mentioned earlier, I'm fascinated by people and human behaviour, and my career is all about focusing on just that. So, I'm in a pretty good place, to be honest.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
The best advice I have ever received thus far is, "No one will ever care about your work as much as you do". This may seem quite simple to many but, for me, it's a lesson I've had to learn the hard way. As an actor, performer, creator, when you realise that, no matter how great your work is, how passionate you are, how hard you have hustled or grafted, no matter how much of your life, the money you have put on the line, no one really gives a dam, and if you want to achieve great success, you simply cannot expect others to help elevate you or to share your passion.
Know your worth, know the value you bring, believe FULLY in your work/creations and don't fall prey to the adage "if you build it, they will come" because Yes, they will come, but they also just might pull those bricks back down... gradually. Don't be reliant on others to fight for your work... that lies solely with YOU!
What inspires you, motivates you, or helps you to move forward?
Primarily my daughter. She has made me focus on leaving a legacy which is something, prior to having a child, I would not have considered. I want for my daughter to see what's possible with dedication, passion, hard AND smart work, belief, faith and determination and the best, the ONLY real way of showing that is by doing it. I, as we all do, strive to be the most authentic version of myself every day. My daughter ensures I stay on track with that, and she has no idea that in simply her being in my life, she pushes me to work beyond my comfort zones and work harder at my goals than I possibly ever would have without her. She is awesome. She makes me awesome!
What are you proud of in your life so far?
I find that a tough one to answer! Can I respond with, "I don't have any regrets?"
What is your preferred way to meet new people/network?
Nearly every connection I've made in the industry has come about, primarily via Social Media, from which there has then been a natural progression to either meeting or working together. The beauty of Social Media as a networking platform is that it allows you, as a creator, to post and show your unique wares to people prior to meeting them, and as an actor, I've found this to work incredibly well. At a traditional networking event, I may have to worry about what to say, what to wear, who to approach etc., but now the industry is able to see my 'product' immediately, what it does, how it moves, how it looks and is it marketable?
I've made so many meaningful connections and received auditions and offers of work simply by posting my creative endeavours. It's also an easy way to quickly find your 'tribe' and the people who align with what you bring to the table. Your job is then to build on those connections and relationships, and if you do that well, your work will be shared and spoken about, and new connections start opening up again.
What skills or qualities do you feel have helped you?
Everything I have experienced, lived through, seen, spoken of, heard, everyone I've loved, not loved, been hurt by... has all had an impact on not only me and how I value and live my life but also how I approach my acting career and how I perform within it. They have all impacted how I impact an audience, and over time I have had to acquire new skills and qualities to deal with negative repercussions or consequences, which, again, have been added to my acting arsenal.
This is a tricky question for me to answer because, as actors, we can all acquire new tangible skill sets such as Combat training certification, Sword Fighting, Shakespeare workshops, Casting Workshops, Scriptwriting classes, Accent lessons BUT, but... none of these necessarily make you a better Actor. They simply are a few more tools in the actor's toolbox. My main skill is in allowing myself to feel every moment, good or bad, and to allow that present moment feeling to leave an imprint so that I can easily access it from emotional memory at a later date.
What do you wish you had known when you started out?
Nothing. I would have taken this path regardless of anything I was told. I genuinely don't wish for anything to have been different in that regard. I can often wish that I had believed in myself more and not allowed life to get in the way so much... but even then, it's all been a part of a journey that I'm still on, and it all has its value.
Who do you most admire in business, academic or creative circles and why?
I don't know if I have a particular person whom I admire. I'm certainly inspired by people such as Gary Vaynerchuck, Eckhart Tolle and Alan Watts. I admire anyone who has a dream, a goal, a vision and who hustles and grafts to get it, and if you can break a few rules on the way as well as being kind to people, then I think you're pretty awesome.
Outside of your professional/work area, what hobbies or interests do you have or what other areas of your life are of real importance to you?
There isn't always a clear distinction between my work and what I like to do 'for fun'. Nearly all my hobbies are tied into creativity, from songwriting, writing poetry, playing the guitar, drawing and painting, writing character sketches, dancing, improvisation and studying the craft of Acting. Outside of creativity, I adore reading, meditation retreats, weight training, DIY beauty and upcycling old furniture, to name but a few.
Has the pandemic had a positive or a negative effect on you and/or your business, and how have you been managing it?
It's been the most strange and surreal time for everyone on the planet. If the world-on-fire feeling of 2020 has taught me anything, it's that there's a fine line between choice and adaptation. Like a poorly marked trail, it's sometimes hard to know which direction you ought to be moving in, and towards the latter part of 2020, I began to lose my 'why'. You lose your WHY when you lose your WAY, and suddenly I didn't know my purpose anymore. I didn't know what would happen in the industry and whether there would even be a place for me in it. In saying that, I think everyone, everywhere, has been affected by the pandemic in some respect. As social, habit-forming creatures, to be put into isolation and kept away from the things and people that give your life meaning... it's a tough game, and when you throw the fear of loss of life and illness into the mix, it can make for a rough ride.
Bizarrely, the new social media platform, Clubhouse, proved to be a blinding light at the end of a VERY dark and long tunnel. Suddenly we seemed closer, more connected and less alone with our feelings, concerns, opinions, woes, dreams and future. Clubhouse came at just the right time and has reignited passion projects, creativity and my career plus; I've met some truly amazing and gifted individuals with who I'm already planning to collaborate on projects. Who knew Social media would come along and save the day? Right?
Do you have a mentor or have you ever mentored anyone?
I don't, unfortunately. But I'd like to change that at some point in the future. I've really struggled to find a mentor who is the right fit for me, but I know that they are out there somewhere. Luckily I'm massively self-motivated and driven to achieve, but I often wonder how much quicker and more efficiently I could attain my goals with the help of a coach. I often do mentor people, and after recently completing my foundation course in personal coaching, I'm inspired more than ever to support and teach people whenever possible. I primarily tend to mentor people on either social media and branding (specifically for actors), creating your own work in the industry or alternatively in the craft/art of Acting.
What advice would you have for someone looking to get into the same area of work or interests?
Acting is not going to give you overnight success. Well, it might, but the chances are slim; you have to want to perform as bad as you want to breathe. Actors work so incredibly hard, day after day, after day. We face constant rejection and often criticism. We can travel miles to auditions only to never hear back from a casting. It's terribly expensive, after headshots, showreels, website, voice reels, memberships (Spotlight, equity, IMDB), acting classes etc. You can often be left out of pocket, especially if you haven't booked a job in a while.
Acting is one big game of risk. No guarantee of an income, a job or even a career. If, hand on heart, you can say there is nothing else I can, or want to do with my life, regardless of setbacks, rejection or heartbreak, then GO FOR IT! Then it will be worth it. I think one needs to be a beautiful blend of vulnerable and impenetrable in this industry.
What do you feel is the most common reason for people failing or giving up?
They don't possess the talent needed for the industry, or, usually the case, they didn't realise it would be hard work. They don't want it ENOUGH. When you REALLY want something, you'll find a way. If you don't really want it, you won't. Simple!
Is there a phrase, quote or a saying that you really like?
Absolutely. I've no idea how much relevance it has to anything, but it's always been my favourite and is from the Bard: "Self-love is not so vile a sin as self-neglect" That's how I justify my narcissism anyway. Ha!
How do you define success, and what lessons have you learned so far that you could share with our audience/readership?
Merriam-Webster defines it as "the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame," but this interpretation doesn't feel complete to me. I believe that Success should only ever be how you define it. Success is not just defined in monetary terms. It is not earned by the acceptance of others. One of the great models in life, the late Coach John Wooden, defined Success as follows: "Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made an effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming." and this is a definition that certainly resonates with me.
Success can mean different things to each of us – and not one of those definitions will be 'right' or 'wrong'. They're just different. And that's why we each need to be exceptionally clear on our own definition of success. If we're not, it's too easy to be swayed by others' definitions of Success. That's when we compare and despair and feel less than others when we feel we don't measure up to their definition of success. And so, for me, very simply, Success is found in achieving what it is you set out to do. Success means that I'm using each day in a way that's as connected to my Highest Source as possible and, moreover, that I'm moving through my day with gentleness, love, calm focus, flexibility and discipline.